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Has your TPD Claim Been Rejected or Declined?

We are experts in turning around unfair claims decisions.

TPD Insurance policies are highly complex with many nuanced policy wordings that can significantly impact your ability to claim. The obvious issue is that this can create confusion and distress when claiming on these products. However, this issue similarly applies to the claims assessor that is reviewing your claim. This can often lead to people not understanding their policy and the requirements for a claim. Further, claims managers may well misinterpret the policy wordings or even your claim form. 

It is never to late to engage an expert and have your claim decision reversed. What’s more is that this comes at no cost to you if we are unable to get your claim paid.

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    Why are TPD claims rejected?

    TPD claims can be declined for a myriad of different reasons. The first things to consider when lodging a TPD claim are the following:

    • Is your cover still in force? If your policy is provided through super, this should be your first question.
    • Do you have an Any or Own Occupation TPD policy?
    • If you have an Any Occupation policy, have you considered roles for which you are suited by way of education, training or experience?
    • Do you have two doctors that will sign off on your TPD status? You may well require a specialists sign off.
    • Have you satisfied the applicable waiting period?

    Where to next?

    There is still hope. We have had many TPD claims decisions reversed over the years. We understand that the process is incredibly emotional as well as cumbersome. We are here to take the stress off your plate and to give you another shot at a fair decision. 

    Find Out More

    If you feel you have a valid TPD insurance claim and would like further assistance and expert advice from an experienced TPD claims advisor, get in touch with us today. Our friendly team of professionals will be more than happy to provide you with advice and information as well as to get things moving with your TPD insurance claim. If you would like to speak with one of our financial advisers, please call us on 1300 665 356 or click here to fill out a contact form.


    General Advice Disclaimer

    General advice warning: The advice provided is general advice only and in preparing it we did not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this advice, you should consider how appropriate the advice is to your particular investment needs, and objectives. You should also consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making any decision relating to a financial product.

    Speak with an expert adviser regarding your claim.

    Fill in the form below and one of our advisers will get in touch to assist you further.